Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt

Last weekend in Columbia, MO, I tried Tiger Ice Cream at MU. It was quite tasty and the scoops were the biggest I’ve seen in awhile. Last night we went to Andy’s where I had my favorite––a concrete with raspberry topping (which means the topping is all...

Researching Amsterdam

I have taken Maria Sybilla Merian and her family from Frankfurt, Germany, where she was born to Nürnberg, back to Frankfurt, on to Castle Waltha in Friesland, northern Holland and now to Amsterdam.This part feels different to me because I have not yet been to...
Inside the Old Walls of Nürnberg

Inside the Old Walls of Nürnberg

The first photo shows the cobblestone street––notice the width of the street––and a modern wall that is boundary of someone's house/yard today. The second photo gives a better look at the outer wall.  The tower has the door which is an entrance to the upper...