Finished Illustrations for Book

The illustrations and cover are finished. The book, Chloe Starcatcher, written by Beverly Crandell based on a story by Chloe Pierce, will be privately published. I will post a few illustrations from the book later.

My Artwork at The Creamery

These are the two pieces of my artwork on display in The Creamery during the month of March. This exhibit, in the office, shows some of the work of members of various Artist’s Way groups. The painting on the left is a watercolor based on time spent on Amelia...

March Exhibit at the Creamery

This month’s art exhibit at the Creamery, Springfield, MO, will kick off at the First Friday Artwalk. It will feature works created by members of the Artists’s Way groups. I have two items in the show. One is a watercolor I painted that embodies Amelia...

Het is bekend!

It’s published! It’s a great children’s story.  If you can read Dutch, I encourage you to buy it for your children. (Maybe one day it will be translated into English.)

The Magic of Illustration

I’ve had two vacations this summer, each one working its own magic of relaxation a bit differently.   But  the most magical time of this summer washed over me and engulfed me completely  while I was totally absorbed in a delightful new children’s book.  It...